At Turner Road Preschool we believe that your child is a competent, creative citizen who has the right to participate in an educational process that respects and builds relationships with others, as well as promoting a love of learning.

We are committed to upholding the rights of the child, acknowledging their voices. Children are viewed as competent, curious and natural researchers who are full of knowledge.

Our approach to pedagogy is influenced by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, nature-based play and the Early Years Learning Framework.

We encourage and support children to work together during play and enquiry. We recognise that learning is a journey. The teacher co-researches alongside the children, making learning visible through listening, questioning and documenting. We see play as being the “heartbeat” of our programme. The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia defines play-based learning as “a context for learning through which children organise and make sense of their social worlds, as they engage actively with people, objects and representations”.

The environment has been carefully designed with an emphasis on natural resources and materials that have been recycled or re-purposed. Areas and materials in the environment have been set up to encourage exploration of light, colour, creativity, technologies and loose parts. Children have the opportunity to share their knowledge through many languages and rich meaningful experiences. Children’s work is valued and appreciated.

Relationships between educators, families, children and community are of upmost importance. The Early Years Learning Framework describes families as “children’s first and most influential teachers”. Families are invited to take an active role in contributing to the process of discovery and learning for their child. Educators are attuned to the children and support the development of a strong wellbeing. Being part of the wider community and the community within Turner Road Preschool allows children to develop a sense of security and belonging.